I have a step sister. Her name is Lily. You will be hearing a lot about her. I also have a cousin. His name is Tyler, nicknamed Ty. You will be a lot about him also.
They are both 2. Actually, just kidding. Ty is 25 months. I lied.
You will be hearing a lot of dialogue between us; some interesting, others not. I don't know.
For example,
Setting: We are in the bathtub. I am bathing Lily and Ty. (I know, I know, but they are only two)
Ty: (points to Lily's belly-button)
Lily: That's my belly-button (says it really proudly)
Ty: Does that mean I can sew it on to you?
Lily: Yeah, but if you did, I would be really sad.
Ty: I sorry. I didn't mean to make you sad.
Lily: It's otay...(looks up to me) Ty is a great big cousin!
Me: But Lily, Ty and you are the same age.
Lily: yeah, but Ty is bigger.
Ty: Yeah. I weigh like 5,000 bajillion pounds!
5,000 bajillion pounds! Wow. These kids crack me up. Keep on posting!
lol this is funny
5,000 bajillion pounds? Well, that's a lot!!!!! Cute kids. Nice blog. Cool.
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