21 November 2011


Setting: We are standing in the living room. I am noticing that the balls that are usually on cat toys are missing...

Me: Looks like the cats had fun pulling the ball off.
Ty: No. Me do it.
Me: What?
Ty: I DID IT, otay?
Me: Oh. What did you do that for?
Ty: I DON'T KNOW! I sorry, otay.
Me: Okay. I accept your apology.
Me: Oh. I'm sorry. Well, will you accept mine?
Ty: NO!
Me: Okay.
Ty: I sorry. It just that I already got in trouble. I don't want to again.
Me: Aaah, I see.
Ty: Yeah.
Me: Let's go get some food.
Ty: Nah, my stomach is prowling yet.
Me: Don't you mean growling?
Ty: Sure.

Then, later...

Ty looks at me, shhhhs me, looks at his but and lets out a great big FART!
Me: Ty!
Ty: (laughing)
Me: Yeah, it was pretty funny.

Wow, such a boy. I love this guy! I know I'm only 17, but I do a lot of watching over my stepsister and cousin. See, my stepsister and cousin love each other, so it's great!

*Ty is 31 lbs at 2 1/2. He just might be the happiest 31 lbs I know!


Melissa said...

ah! Sounds like the cutest kids ever :) Look forward to more!
we really should update more...

hahahahaha said...

Funny :) come visit: angrybirdslover.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

funny website.

Josh said...

i can't tell if 31 lbs is normal for 2 1/2, i'm a doctor. i will check. be back in a jiffy.

ME (from previous comment) said...

5,000 bajillion pounds to 31 pounds? what diet was he on? I need to follow it!