12 May 2012

Saturday, Saturday, Saturday

First: Kylie thanks so much for your idea! I am actually getting started right away!
Second, it's SATURDAY. Thank goodness :)
Sometimes, I feel too much like a mom. I mean, I seriously think I watch Lily and Ty way more than my mom does and I know them all too well. And my mom is having a new baby, which is supposed to be born in I think in late January/early February of 2013. And then I will have another baby on "my" hands. But anyway, I cook, I clean, and I put them to bed. I help them with EVERYTHING. So it kind of makes me feel like a little housewife.
I'm 17, and I will be 18 in July. I'm going to be going off to college, actually, more specific, TCU, which is the Horned Frogs. That is only about two hours away from where we live, so I will be coming home a lot to be you know, helping with these evil devils. I'm just joking.
School is out in 10 days. I have two more weeks with my senior project, where I am actually helping my dad with his pediatrician stuff. But most of the time, I'm visiting my school, hanging out, you know.
Graduation will be fun. My best friend, Will, and I are having a combined party at a paintball arena.
It will be TOTAL fun! And as much as I love Ty and Lily they will not be there, so I can actually have some guy time with all my buds. Well, it's not guy time because we are all having our girlfriends and such. But, it SHOULD be a blast.
But today is Saturday, and today is a day for some relaxing time. So I need to quit my blabbering and get the hell out of this bed and do something productive. I will try now.
1 second

2 seconds

3 seconds

4 seconds

5 seconds

6 seconds

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 22 seconds

Oh face it. I ain't gettin out of bed any time soon. I'm too lazy and it's Saturday. Today is a day for relaxing. Lily and Ty are watching TV, and mom and dad are home to watch them. I'm gonna take this time to watch them. So, now, I will go to sleep. Have a good Saturday :)


Kylie said...

My school isn't out for 22 days! (I think?) But I kind of don't want school to be over because I won't get to see all my friends/acquaintances/random people you I talk to in class. I mean sure I can have my close friends over but it would be kind of awkward to have someone I barely know, but still talk to over since I don't know them....

And I am glad you like the idea! I hope you mom loves the idea!

Anonymous said...

I have to comment on everything now.
I remember I was a freshman when my mom told me she was having a baby. I was so surprised it wasn't even funny, I never thought she'd have another baby.My baby sister, Serenity, was born in the summer of my freshman year, so she's turning 2 years old at the end of this May.
I love her more than anything and yeah, I'm like a third mom to her. My older sister is a 2nd mom, and my mom is, well, the FIRST mom.
I'm jealous.
Kaybye, have a good weekend

Optimistic4ever said...

PAINTBALL! Wow sounds like a lot of fun!

Also, Steph's comment totally freaked me out because I remember her talking about her new sister being born, and if Serenity is almost 2... I feel like I've been around a loooong time. At least on the Sammy Keyes pages.

Our school is also another 20 something days. :P

O4E :D